How to Print Clear Acrylic with UV Flatbed Printer

How to Print Clear Acrylic with UV Flatbed Printer

Printing on acrylic can be a challenging task. But, with the right tools and techniques, it can be done quickly and efficiently. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of printing clear acrylic using a UV flatbed printer. Whether you're a professional printer or a beginner, our step-by-step guide will help you achieve the best results.

photo printed direct on acrylic

Preparing Your UV Flatbed Printer

Before you start printing on acrylic, it is essential to ensure that your UV flatbed printer is set up correctly. Make sure that the printer's print head is in good condition and that the ink cartridges are filled with high-quality UV ink. It is also essential to select the right printer settings, such as the resolution, color management, and print speed.

Preparing Your Acrylic Sheet

After setting up the printer, the next step is to prepare the acrylic sheet. You need to ensure that it is free from dust, dirt, and fingerprints, which can affect the print quality. You can clean the acrylic sheet using a soft cloth or a lint-free cloth dipped in isopropyl alcohol.

Printing on Clear Acrylic

Once you've prepared your UV flatbed printer and acrylic sheet, you can start printing. The following steps will guide you through the process:

Step 1: Place the acrylic sheet on the printer bed, ensuring that it is correctly aligned.

Step 2: Set the printer settings, including the print resolution, color management, and print speed.

Step 3: Print a test page to check the alignment, color accuracy, and print quality.

Step 4: Once you're satisfied with the test print, start the actual printing process.

Step 5: Monitor the printing process to ensure that the acrylic sheet does not shift, move, or expand during the printing process.

Step 6: After the printing is complete, allow the sheet to cool before handling it.


Printing on clear acrylic using a UV flatbed printer requires the right equipment, settings, and techniques. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can achieve the best results and produce high-quality prints. Remember to prepare your printer and acrylic sheet correctly, select the right settings, and monitor the printing process. With the right approach, you can print clear acrylic sheets that will impress your clients and customers.

Post time: Mar-18-2023